Conductivity studies of grafted natural rubber and ionic liquid electrolyte systems

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M.F. Rahmat
Y. Alias
W.J. Basirun
L. Aldous
C. Hardacre


Ionic liquids containing the 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium ([C4mPyrr]+) cation and bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide ([NTf2]-) anion have been synthesized and incorporated in 49% PMMA grafted natural rubber together with lithium salts to obtain solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs). The resultant SPEs obtained, are freestanding, flexible film and translucent and show conductivity over a wide range of 10-3-10-5 S cm-1. Polymer electrolytes containing 80% of (MG49:LiCF3SO3) and 20% of [C4mPyrr][NTf2] showed the highest conductivity of 2.11 x 10-3 S cm-1 at room temperature. The examination of the ionpolymer interactions and ionic conductivity are discussed and investigated by FT-IR and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) respectively.


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How to Cite
Rahmat, M., Alias, Y., Basirun, W., Aldous, L., & Hardacre, C. (2009). Conductivity studies of grafted natural rubber and ionic liquid electrolyte systems. Malaysian Journal of Science, 28(2), 209–215.
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