Elemen Mengenali Murid dalam Pengajaran Guru Cemerlang Pendidikan Islam

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Nur Hanani Hussin


Generally, recognizing students' ability is one of the elements of effective lesson and excellent teacher. It is also one of the main components of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). Thus, all Excellent Islamic Education Teachers should accurately know their students and this is regarded as the important concept in the teaching of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).The main aim of this qualitative study was to explore an Excellent Islamic Education Teacher in terms of her knowledge about her students, particularly in the lesson of Islamic worship. The subject of this study was a female Excellent Islamic Education Teacher who has more than ten years of teaching experience. The findings of the study were analyzed using NVivo 8.0. The study found that the teacher knows her students on five key characteristics, namely students’ background, learning problems, characteristics, academic level and motivation. In conclusion, the teacher knowledge about the students has encouraged her to appropriately plan and implement an effective teaching and learning process.


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