Level Adjustment of the Malaysian Islamic Studies Students at Jordanian Universities and Its Relationship to Academic Achievement In The Light Of Some of the Variables

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Wail Muin Ismail


The aim of article is to identify the social adjustment and academic achievement among Malaysian students in selected universities in Jordan. The data were collected among all Malaysian students in the field of Islamic Studies and analyzed using the quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The questionnaires to measure the extent of social adjustment were distributed randomly to 260 students. The questionnaire data were also backed up by interview data that were collected from 100 of them regarding the difficulties of living in Jordan. The findings reported that the social adjustment of the students was at a moderate level. The male students achieved better adjustment in the academic dimension rather than female students. Meanwhile, the female students achieved better academic achievement. Moreover, there is a positive correlation between social dimension of social adjustment and academic achievement. In contrast, there is a negative correlation between the academic dimension of social adjustment and academic achievement.


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