Penggunaan Laman Web Sebagai Transformasi Dalam Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Islam

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Norliza Hussin


The use of new technologies have implications admittedly resulting in a more effective teaching and learning process and contributing to the smooth running of education involving all subjects, including the Islamic education. Construction and development of the website in line with the latest teaching innovations can help teachers deliver knowledge and skills to students. This paper is a concept paper aimed at identifying the Model Design and Learning Theory in connection with the website. Apart from that, it is aimed at identifying the importance and effectiveness of the use of websites and web pages function the latest in teaching and learning Islamic education. Research was a meta-analysis methodology on documents published from 1990 to the present. The Design Model by Hannnafin and Peck, Dick and Carey Theory and Constructivism Learning Theory have been used to support the study. It is hoped that the information provided can be used to benefit educators in using websites for teaching and learning Islamic education and also to help improve the quality of teaching in line with current developments


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