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Akhtar Mirza


It is a poem originally written in Urdu by the Pakistani Poet Akhtar Raza Saleemi. The poem speaks of a scene that is set in a desolate valley, surrounded by mountains, where three men are conversing with each other, but someone is listening, and the awareness of it is causing them to freeze in the form of a statue. It is an allegorical poetic tale about censorship and the panopticon. 


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Article Details

Special Issue on Religion, Secularism and Nationalism: Literature of South Asia


Saleemi, Akhtar Raza. "Ek Kahani". Rekhta.

Retrieved from: https://www.rekhta.org/nazms/ek-kahaanii-akhtar-raza-saleemi-nazms?sort=popularity-desc (Accessed on 20/4/2023)