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Kamarulzaman Abdul Ghani
Saiful Nizam Sulaiman


Speaking skills in the second language is to be taught, trained and sharpened systematically so that students can master the skill. Through previous studies it was found that Arabic language teacher lack of effective and organized lesson plan and do not apply systematic teaching and learning procedures during classes. The purpose of this study is to explore j-QAF Arabic language teachers’ knowledge of teaching speaking methods and their practice in teaching and learning of Arabic speaking. This study studied 113 j-QAF Arabic teachers in Malacca through a questionnaire. This study used quantitative method for collecting data. Quantitative data were analyzed through the analysis of SPSS 18 using min, standard deviation, frequency and percentage. This study also used inference analysis spearmen correlation coefficients for the relationship of knowledge and practice of speaking teaching method among j-QAF Arabic teachers. The results of this study showed that the level of j-QAF teachers' knowledge about methods of teaching speaking skills were at moderately high level. Similarly, the finding of the implimentation of teaching speaking skillsof j-QAF teachers are at moderately high level too. This study also find the poor significant relationship between knowledge and implimentationof teaching speaking skills method. This study concluded that to ensure the success of the Arabic Language Speaking teaching and learning in Primary School, teachers must constantly renew their knowledge of teaching methods of speaking skills and their teaching methods must always vary according to level and ability of pupils. Arabic j-QAF teachers should take the initiative to use their creativity and knowledge to innovate on methods of teaching oral skills to make it more interesting and effective to the students.


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