Strategic leadership is one of the leadership that is practiced by school organizations today. A leader with strategic leadership features needs to be clear about the environmental factors such as the quality of teacher teaching that can directly affect the achievement of their students. This study was conducted to identify the relationship between strategic leadership and the quality of teaching among teachers teaching at the ‘sekolah kawalan’ or control school of the Kelantan Islamic Foundation (YIK). This study uses a cross-sectional study using questionnaire. The strategic leadership tools used has been adapted from Hairuddin Ali (2012). On the other hand, to measure the quality of teaching, researchers also adapted the questionnaire developed by Shahril Marzuki (2005), which is Effective Teaching by Slavin Model. The findings show that the level of strategic leadership in the YIK control school as a whole is modest. Meanwhile, for the quality of teaching, it shows that it is at a high level. The results of the analysis also showed significant positive relationship between strategic leadership and the quality of teaching among teachers. It is hoped that the leadership of the school leadership will continue to practice strategic leadership practices in order to improve the quality of teaching of teachers in their respective schools in the hope that it will also help to improve their school's excellence.